A Message From Our President

May 2022 marked the beginning of the 8th year of The Greater Bronx (NY) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated. I have been elected as the President of an Award-winning sought-after chapter in our community, Eastern Area and National Organization. An amazing group of professional, renown women elected me, Marilyn Ross-Moody, as president to continue the work of our previous presidents whose shoulders I humbly and reverently stand upon: Link Cheryl Simmons-Oliver (Founder), Cynthia Ngombe, Amber Effe, and our Immediate Past President, Gloria-Hill-James.  It is an honor to lead our chapter through our National President, Ethel Issacs-Williams’, vision and mission of resetting our organization, R.E.S.E.T (Return to Sisters Engaging Together) after two and a half years apart due to COVID-19. 

The leaders in our Chapter have already laced up their green chucks and are ready to go. Voter Education/Registration, recruiting and establishing our award-winning STEM TEN 80 Program, Black K.A.R.E. Program, Young Masters Writing Program and partnership with the United Nations Association, are in full gear. I look forward to our Chapter continuing to empower our young women and community in positive ways, thus reaching the goals of The Links, Incorporated to improve the cultural, educational, and economic future of the people in the Bronx. This is a noble work and together The Greater Bronx (NY) Chapter will continue to work together to make a difference in our community.

In Friendship and Service,

Marilyn Ross-Moody